Mild® Procedure

About the mild® Procedure

mild® is a short, out­pa­tient treat­ment for lum­bar spinal steno­sis (LSS) that restores space in the spinal canal to help improve back and leg pain.* Using spe­cial­ized tools and imag­ing, mild® address­es a major root cause of LSS by remov­ing thick­ened lig­a­ment through an inci­sion small­er than the size of baby aspirin, leav­ing no implants behind, only a Band-Aid.

The min­i­mal­ly inva­sive mild® Pro­ce­dure has a safe­ty pro­file sim­i­lar to epidur­al steroid injec­tions but with last­ing results, and patients typ­i­cal­ly return to nor­mal activ­i­ty with­in 24 hours with no restric­tions.* mild® is cov­ered nation­wide by Medicare and Medicare Advan­tage. Com­mer­cial cov­er­age and oth­er plans vary.

Vis­it www​.mild​pro​ce​dure​.com for more info.

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